The Proposal

One of our favorite activities is to go hiking.  Jason, having recently bought a brand new Jeep Wrangler was really excited about visiting the George Washington National Park in Virginia to do some hiking and off-road driving.  Sneha had no idea that he had anything else planned!  We went on a six mile hike and Jason convinced Sneha that there were black bears in the forest and that they should sing and talk to keep them away.  Three miles in, they reached a little waterfall called “Blue Suck Falls”, an unfortunate name for a beautiful place.  There was a little stone bench right in front of the falls and we stopped to catch our breath and hydrate.  Jason pulled out a ticket stub from the Bele Chere festival they went to in Asheville 5 years ago.  If you’ve never been, we highly recommend it.

“Look what I found while cleaning out my drawers last week”

“Oh wow! That’s from so long ago. I can’t believe you still have that!”

“Yea, I didn’t know I had it either.  Look what else I found”

He pulls out the ticket stub from our first movie date – Knocked Up

“That’s crazy!” Sneha, surprisingly, still doesn’t realize what’s going on.

That’s when Jason told Sneha how wonderful the last few years together had been and how he would like to continue creating amazing memories.

“Will you marry me?”

Sneha was very surprised and completely shocked.  It was the most romantic proposal in the most beautiful setting.  Of course, she said “Yes”.  And the rest is history!

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